One of the most exciting and most challenging aspects of bringing a new concept to market is product development.
As a new brand, we are constantly asking customers, retailers, friends and family for their feedback- on the sock blend, to how they wash and dry, to design input and beyond. Together, Dan and I had a recipe to bring something awesome to market, but with anything homemade, sometimes it can use a little refinement and tweaking.
So, even though we launched early in June, we have been thinking about new colors and designs since before launching, which is pretty hard to imagine. We have given ourselves ample time to create new designs because it is, in my opinion, the hardest part of continued brand development. You need to be thinking about what is in the market place, and then take two steps forward. You need to be thinking about your target customer, and think of what they would like to see, and haven’t seen before. You need to be thinking about sock integrity, and all those small things our factory considers when they are working through the stitching of a new sock. And of course, you have to be thinking about how future designs fit within your brand and brand personality so every touch-point relates back.
Neon Bandits is working away on new designs and new color palates so you are able to continue to be bright, bold and anything but boring, but it’s going to take some time. In the meantime, continue to email us ideas and feedback- ( it takes a village! And as I know Dan and I have mentioned, we couldn’t be doing this without all of YOU; thank you for your continued support and be sure to keep checking back and wear your Neon Bandits with pride. And if you haven’t already, #GrabAPair!